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CONNECT, ACT, and  LEAD– these three words form the foundation of RAGEWorks, which offers a unique set of public programs for men in need to work with other men: men who have been there, men who have overcome, men who have figured out how to live authentic lives. We don’t judge, we don’t preach.



RAGEWorks seeks to offer multiple pathways to change:








RAGERadio is a late night, live, talk radio show for men only. RAGERadio provides a safe and anonymous place for men to listen to how other men overcome their challenges and to seek advice.

RAGE PitStop is a public service announcement and short spot radio campaign that connects listeners to the RAGEWorks Resource Guide website where they can access resources and services, join our email list, and find out about upcoming events.

The RING is a phone hotline staffed by RAGEWorks trained volunteers who talk to men one-on-one and refer men in crisis to expert psychological, spiritual, addiction recovery, and suicide prevention services.

RAGE Outreach offers activities such as auto racing and sport fishing that appeal to men, but are often financially out of reach. We provide men the opportunity to feel successful in a new activity and bond with other men.

Team 3 is a common space where men can work together on their physical and emotional wellbeing.This safe harbor provides team training in a weightroom environment to help men develop camaraderie with and trust in other men. Among the services men can utilize are non-confrontational sessions, where men talk with our trained volunteers and learn leadership skills they can use in their families, their workplaces, and their communities.

RAGE Leadership Training coaches men to become leaders in their community, to volunteer at The RING or take a shift at Team 3. This solidifies their connections to like-minded men and embeds the RAGEWorks support system into their lives in a meaningful and lasting way.

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Once a man agrees to get help, we guide him to take the next step and act on his issues. RAGEWorks holds the door wide open so he can walk through it and go to an AA meeting, seek marriage counseling, ask for a leave of absence, or whatever it is that will bring that man just a little closer to turning his life around for good. Talking about the issues is not enough.  He needs to change so he can build his life into what it was meant to be. He now understands that rage is a force in his life. We give him the tools to deal with that rage and use the power of that force for positive change.

Beyond referring men to crisis intervention services, RAGEWorks also provides ongoing support. With a deep understanding of the mind-body connection, RAGEWorks understands that sometimes a good workout with other men can provide the physical release that allows a man to think clearly or face his fears. TEAM 3 is a free, common space where he can train with weights, box, and find an outlet to cool off a bit and think clearly. Here, he will find men who can look him in the eye, help him talk through what is going on, and offer the camaraderie that can't be found on the computer or on the phone. Here, he can be coached to live a healthy lifestyle, to exercise, to take care of his body, and to take ownership of his life.



A man will usually first connect with us by tuning into RAGERadio, our weekly on-air talk show for men only. It is a door cracked open through which he can hear the voices of other men, men who are just like him, men who angry and isolated, self-medicating, self-hating, spiraling into despair. He listens and begins to hear what happens when good men start to really talk to each other. It is the tough stuff that comes out in a space that is free of judgment and free of the need to put on the mask of being all-powerful and in control.

He listens and decides to take the next step – to get help with his addiction, to speak the truth to his wife, to face the specter of his absent father. He hears wisdom from men who have been there, who have turned their lives around. Then, he takes a look at for a path forward, checks out some of the resources in the RAGE PitStop, attends a RAGE Outreach event, or chooses to connect directly by calling into RAGERadio.

Once he chooses to reach out to us the first time, RAGEWorks can give him the tools to take his healing to the next level.  After we've built up a little trust, we connect him to the RING, a toll-free hotline staffed by our trained volunteers who talk to men one on one. These volunteers get deeper into each man's issues in a way that cannot be done on air, and they get them to take that next step through the door. These volunteers are not social workers or priests or doctors, but they help men understand that getting help is okay, more than okay, that it is the only way forward.



Men's Issues

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