We simply cannot do this without your support! Please get involved today.
received go directly to fund public service outreach efforts

RAGEWorks program provide multiple avenues to CONNECT a struggling man with others who have successfully faced their demons. At RAGEWorks each man can find the courage to ACT to change his life. From there, every man we work with will be empowered to LEAD help those men who are struggling – men who are just like he was.
Levels of Giving
Your financial gift will directly fund our outreach efforts.
- With every $25,000 RAGEWorks receives, we can air RAGEradio programming on air in one market for 4 months.
- A $5,000 donation, will keep the RING Hotline operational for 3 month.
- Our Team 3 Center can care for 50 men in need with your gift of $1,800.
- Resource packets can reach 1,000 men in need with your gift of $600.
- Your gift of $100 enables us to reach 12 men in need.

Monthly Pledge
Men in this country are struggling with rage they don’t know how to deal with – and they are losing the battle. They are living out the statistics writ large across this nation. We see the results in the news, on the streets, and, most tragically, in the next generation.
Members help us continue our mission with a 12 month membership of $25 per month. To thank you for your support, you will receive:
- Subscription to ManUp – Dr. LeRou’x blog
- 10% off all RAGEWorks merchandise, books, workshops etc.
- Invitations to RAGEWorks Events.
- RAGEWorks TShirt
Bring RAGEWorks to your organization or community. Our team will come in and provide all the tools and training necessary to get RAGEWorks up and running. We'll develop custom programming that addresses the issues your organization faces. Call today to schedule a meeting to discuss how RAGEWorks can address your needs. (401) 354-TEAM (8326)
We are 100% volunteer run. We need your help. Whatever skill or time you have, we will gratefully welcome your gift of time.
RAGEWorks is currently raising funds to to purchase airtime on 20 radio stations across the country. If your company has unused commercial airtime, please consider donating. After what is there: If you or your organization would like to sponsor programming, please contact us: doc@rageradio.com
RAGEWorks has many programs, many of which require a space to operate in. Team 3 is currently building their Beta site, in North Providence, RI. Come Visit. If you like what we are up to, consider sponsoring a Team 3 Center in your community!RAGEWorks is a non-profit organization and needs your help to provide these spaces!