RAGEWorks was founded in 2006 by Dr. Michael LeRoux to help disconnected,
angry men struggling with addiction, broken relationships, lost jobs and other
crises. RAGEWorks offers the help these men – and their families – need to turn
their lives around.
RAGEWorks is a 501(c)3 organization that helps men break the cycle of
despair that all too often leads them to harm themselves or others. By
providing a comprehensive web of resources offered by proven men leaders,
RAGEWorks provides men with the opportunity to CONNECT
with successful men, ACT to make meaningful change, and LEAD purposeful and service-filled
Our mission is to provide positive communication outlets for men
to become better leaders both at work and at home.
A Fully Realized Vision
How RAGEWorks Changes Lives
RAGEWorks began as one man’s passion to make a difference for men who are
part of these terrible statistics. These men are not just numbers. He knew in
his heart that these numbers – and these lives could change – if he stepped up,
if he got others to join him.
RAGEWorks has a very ambitious plan to implement a full complement of programs
to address a nation of men in crisis. To best illustrate the potential and
power of RAGEWorks, we invite you to step up. CONNECT, ACT and LEAD.

The full build out of the RAGEWorks program will provide multiple avenues to CONNECT
a struggling man with others who have successfully faced their demons. At RAGEWorks each man can find the courage to ACT to change his life. From there, every man we work with will be empowered to LEAD help
those men who are struggling – men who are just like he was.